
22nd WONCA Europe Conference

Prague, Czech Republic


Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions


Each poster will be displayed for one day.

Posters must be displayed on their assigned board no later than 09:00 on their assigned presentation day. Please see programme of poster sessions.

Posters must be removed at the end of your presentation day after 17:30 and before 18:15 - any posters remaining will be removed and the conference will not keep any left posters for later collection and may be destroyed.

Poster mounting time

Thursday, June 29, 08:00-09:00
Friday, June 30, 08:00-09:00


Poster removal time

Thursday, June 29, 17:30-18:15
Friday, June 30, 17:30-18:15


Poster-viewing session

Thursday, June 29, 12:45 – 13:45
Friday, June 30, 12:45 – 13:45


Presence at Posters

There will be no organized or moderated discussions over posters. In order to enable discussion and interaction with other participants, we request the main author or another member of the group to be at the poster board at the times noted above. If this is not possible, we request the authors to leave a note on the poster indicating the times when they will be present at the board.