
53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology

Bratislava, Slovakia

Ukončená akce
8. září 2017 16:10
Final Scientific Programme
The Scientific Programme is final now. Please, touch synchronize icon on the homepage and update all data. Then you can create your own Congress Programme.
25. srpna 2017 16:40
Please note the data and the information posted here on the mobile application are just being processed. Please check the mobile application on 1st Septmeber for the most updated information.
1. září 2017 12:00
Thank you for downloading the official mobile application of 53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology.
visibility shlédnuto 25084 x
date_range akce začíná: 10.9.2017 12:00
date_range akce končí: 13.9.2017 16:00
place Bratislava, Slovakia
language oficiální jazyk: EN
info_outline GUARANT International spol. s r.o.
phone +420 284 001 444